Taking into consideration that the distance from the telephone antenna to the solution container in this experiment was 4 sm., it may be confidently suggested, that potentials for several or even tens of millivolts with the frequency of appearance equal to 217 Hz occur in the brain structures while using a cellular phone. At the same time it is not quite understood how does the correct processing of information continue in the brain under influence of such signals which are much stronger than own electrical potentials of the brain. And it is not excluded that the activation reaction [4] is concerned with the switching on the supplementary mechanisms correcting mistakes of data transmission between neuron structures.
The map of the field generated by a cellular phone is shown in Fig.2.
Pay attention to the very complicated spatial distribution of a signal, and its locking in the mediums of maximum conduction. It means, that the biggest physiological effect will be strongly pronounced in the places of the largest area of contact with liquor. And the locking of the field through the area of ipsilateral eyeball makes us suggest that the influence on the basal surface of the brain might be even more than on the areas directly adjoining with the antenna. Besides that, all areas with intensive liquor dynamics become (according to this scheme) the places with possible significant local gradient appearance.
Naturally, the changes in EEG will be the most interesting precisely during the presence of this field rather then after its turning off. But to register an EEG signal during a cellular phone operation is a difficult engineering task. Usual electroencephalograph can not function with the presence of such noise (see Fig.3), and the further trials of signal filtration are doomed to failure (detailed research does not merge with this publication).
Nevertheless the solution exists, and blameless registration off EEG in such conditions is possible. Analyzing the first seconds of record, the observable changes absence amazes. The depression of alpha activity and all prescribed test irritants responses are registered as well. Moreover, the frequency of the main rhythm retains with a high preciseness and the signal spectrum changes slightly. And if to rate an EEG by each channel separately, it can be discovered just some reliable increase in median frequency of spectrum which coincides with the findings of other experiments [4]. Additionally, single sharp waves are registered in the areas close to the antenna.
Furthermore, periodical short-lived slow-wave activity phenomena alternate with the areas of a spectrum median frequency increase are registered. And if it is possible to prove or refute any speculative hypothesis with the help of spatial correlation or coherence functions, then the appearance of slow-wave activity is a fact that needs to be sensibly interpreted.
A typical response to the turning of a cellular phone (talk mode or data transmission mode) can be described as followed: during the first 10-15 seconds nothing happens at all (Fig.4), later the spectrum median frequency increases in those areas which directly adjoin to the antenna, after that (in 20-40 seconds) in these same areas slow-wave activity appears and than quickly disappears. Pay attention to the fact that the slow-wave activity (sometimes with antiphase) appears in contralateral areas (Fig.5).
Maximum power spectral density of these waves takes place is in the 2.5-6 Hz range, at the leads which are found at the area of maximum of high-frequency field strength and contralateral ones. Then the process becomes stable, but the slow-wave activity repeats periodically (every 15-20 sec.) at the same leads.
After the telephone is turned off the slow-wave activity does not show itself and only some increasing of spectrum median frequency and some more phenomena described at [4] remain. The attempt to compare the location of abnormal activity to the map of a high-frequency field can be considered as new. It should be expected that the pronounced changes are registered at the areas of maximum field strength. For the three-dimensional image of the areas responsible for appearance of slow-wave activity at EEG we implemented a probabilistic tomograph of equal wave front. The slices were chosen according to maximum comfort of comparison to the map of high-frequency field. The frequency range corresponds to the spectrum of phenomena. As a result we discovered almost a total correspondence of both images, even taking into consideration the contralateral areas (Fig.6).
Furthermore, periodical short-lived slow-wave activity phenomena alternate with the areas of a spectrum median frequency increase are registered. And if it is possible to prove or refute any speculative hypothesis with the help of spatial correlation or coherence functions, then the appearance of slow-wave activity is a fact that needs to be sensibly interpreted.
A typical response to the turning of a cellular phone (talk mode or data transmission mode) can be described as followed: during the first 10-15 seconds nothing happens at all (Fig.4), later the spectrum median frequency increases in those areas which directly adjoin to the antenna, after that (in 20-40 seconds) in these same areas slow-wave activity appears and than quickly disappears. Pay attention to the fact that the slow-wave activity (sometimes with antiphase) appears in contralateral areas (Fig.5).
But the response at symmetrical areas of the opposite side - is a well-known effect at electroencephalography. Naturally, physiological substantiation of this phenomenon will be needed, but meanwhile it would have been responsible to take it as a probable event.
An attempt to evaluate the consequences of the effect of high-frequency field is illustrated in Fig.7. According to the observations we can say that the effect is reversible, it disappears (even though not completely) in several tens of minutes.
The changes in EEG become significantly, more evident when examine a child. The slow-wave activity appears earlier (approximately in 10-20 seconds), it has a significantly higher amplitude, it's frequency is lower (1-2,5 Hz), the duration of periods is longer and the spaces between them are shorter (Fig.8).
The locations of the most influenced areas coincide with the same areas as in that of an adult patient. Though some differences may be determined by the lesser thickness of skull bones or by higher concentration of liquid in tissues (Fig.9).
The triangular slow-waves appearing in EEG of a child when using a cellular GSM phone are absolutely identical to the ones observed in EEG of a patient with meningoencephalitis. And its periodical appearance resembles Shilder's encephalitis or a demyelinization process. It is difficult to imagine any other radiation (except gamma radiation) that can cause such local changes in EEG of a healthy patient.
From the facts mentioned above, it's impossible to make peremptory statements or to make any quantitative assessment but we can formulate the preliminary conclusions. The most important ones will be the confirmation of an effect of high-frequency field of cellular phone to the spontaneous electrical activity of a brain. And an exact tallying of location of maximum field strength with the areas responsible for the spread of brain electrical activity on the external surface requires a serious attitude to such observations.
It should be also taken into account that a systematic influence at the same brain areas (the antenna hardly shifts from call to call) substantially differs from those described at experimental biophysical works. Because of that the expectation of local pathologic affects would not be absurd. Moreover, we can already predict the location of followed pathology.
From previous experience it is not quite reasonable to expect a beneficial influence of a factor in which the species has not come across during the philogenesis. For example the burns are harder to treat than cuts and injuries, because during the philogenesis the species did not come across it often. And the lethal dose of radiation has enough energy to lightly warm only a teaspoon of water. Human beings or our predecessors never contacted with a locally input SHF radiation before, so the consequences can be various. For example they can be non-threshold or have an ability to cumulate, so it displays later. Let us not forget that in the middle of last century the radiotherapy was used for treating inflammatory processes; radioactive substances were not considered to be dangerous. There are a great number of cases when humanity keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
That is why it is derivable to look ahead and try to predict the possible consequences within the bounds of modern science. And the banal sense requires paying maximum attention to the worse variants of events, which are addressed to the future generations. Certainly, a serious research work is needed with a double control, usage of electroencephalographs not sensible to a cellular phone's radiation, analysis of representative groups, including different types of pathology etc. But it should also be mentioned that at such monetary business as cellular communication service independent researches are rear; as a rule they are commissioned. And that is why it is most probable that the truth will stay concealed until the mass illnesses will appear.
1. Freude G, Ullsperger P, Eggert S, Ruppe I. Effects of microwaves emitted by cellular phones on human slow brain potentials. Bioelectromagnetics 1998; 19:384 - 7.
2. Freude G, Ullsperger P, Eggert S, Ruppe I. Microwaves emitted by cellular telephones affect human slow brain potentials. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2000; 81:18 – 27.
3. Krause CM, Sillanmaki L, Koivisto M, Haggquist A, et al. Effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular phones on the electroencephalogram during a visual working memory task. International Journal of Radiation Biology 2000;76:1659-1667
4. Lebedeva NN, Sulimov AV, Sulimova OP, Kotrovskaya TI, Gailus T. Cellular phone electromagnetic field effects on bioelectric activity of human brain. Crit. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 28(1-2): 323-37, 2000.
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