Slightly paraphrasing Brodsky, we can say that we live in a time of complete and final victory of ideas of Montesquieu that have disfigured the world, multiplied by the inveterate liberalism, when the separation of powers, universal, equal and secret suffrage and other unimaginable for adequate management postulates have become a quite dangerous commonplace. All the more dangerous because for ignoring these postulates one can "get his ass kicked in full" from the Boss, and the literal fulfillment of the democratic demands will inevitably lead to the degradation of any state.
Let us suppose that there is an idealized radio locator with the task to detect a target with the RCS approaching very small values. We suppose the noise of the locator receiver unit to be non-changeable non-zero and data accumulation when using multiple location is not permissible. We also think that the size of the target shining point is negligibly small compared to the “pencil” beam spot. The method of detection and selection of the decision making threshold are considered close to the theoretical optimum.